Monday, December 6, 2010

The United States (and other societies in cross-cultural comparision): Women who voluntarily submit their bodies for aesthetic surgery.

This ethnographic case is about of the how the medicine and business generate controlling processes in the shaping women`s body, that is to say, if the women submit their bodies for aesthetic surgery, mainly surgery of breast implants, this choice it was voluntarily or her decision has been influence for the culture controls or “mind colonization” as called Coco. In this research, the people who are involved are American women, there are a lot of women of this country that choose to have surgery of silicone-gel breast implants, because the social message that they have internalized is that have a small breast is to be in some way deviant and this deformities are really a disease. In a quotes with a past president of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery said that this effect is resulted of the patient`s feelings of inadequacies, lack of self-confidence, distortion of body image, inter. And it is for that, that the cosmetic surgery it is necessary to the patient`s psychology health. It is the same society that controlling this process trough that their internalization of the message social, in a subtly way, the women are indoctrinated to recognize and desire a certain kind of beauty presents and interesting possibility, and they feel they are making the decision for their own. All this process responds to the logic of capitalism,and it operates by controlling information and the creation of speech that began with the idea of you don´t must have a small breast if you want keep your husband, attract men, etc. There are femisnist research that are doing something for break this control process, but for the author of this paper, the free choice is only an illusion…

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh no!...english again!

I was 14 years learning english in the school, and every year I learned the same, do and does, sang a song, to be verb, for what? For nothing, because when I gave the english test I could see that I didn`t know nothing, because for my surprise I had been in level 1!! I fell in a deep depression. But if I see the good side, learn english again it would be a very good chance to learn this language well. All we should take the advantage the opportunity that they are giving to us for learn english, it is very important know this language.

In this university learn english is obligatory, there are four levels. And how I tell you I began in the first level and now I`m in my last level and I´m very happy for that. I think that the english test with the university measure your level of english it is not so good, because sometimes there are people that know speak and talk in this languaje but they don´t get through the test. And I don´t understand. Well, but in my case I agree with the decision to put me in the first level in a 100 percent, because it was true, my level of english it was not so good.

I have to said, when I started english course the teacher was very nice, but he taught a very basic english and the difference with the next level (level two) it was so big for me and my classmate. Add more, I thought that the this courses didn´t give me the necessary elements for help me to increase my grammar and my skills for speak in english, but I`m wrong, in had a fellow in english one, and she knew nothing about this language, she barely knew the alphabet, but now she know a lot of english, I admire her because she has improved very much. In my case, the truth is that I don`t have the best grammar or the best pronunciation, but if I get lost in the EEUU, I could speak, like and Indian, but I know that I could communicate with them.

I think that the idea of teach english to the college students is a good opportunity for us, because many people don`t have the resources to pay an english course. And in this world that we live in it is very important know this language, there are a lot of papers in english and the update information is also in this language. For my experience in this four semesters of english course, I can said is very important have motivation, dedication and engagement. The most students don`t have this elements, I think it is important create awareness among the students about the importance of learn english.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Our mother earth

“…During my life I have dreamed of seeing the great herds of wild animals, jungles and forests full of birds and butterflies, but now I ask if they even exist for my children to see.

Did you have to ask you these things when you were my age?...”

Like this one girl, called Severn Cullis-Suzuki, of only 13 year old began the speech in front of the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Along with group members Michelle Quigg, Vanessa Suttie, and Morgan Geisler, Cullis-Suzuki presented environmental issues from a youth perspective at the summit, where she was applauded for a speech to the delegates.

This speech, made me think about the world that I live, and you live too. When I finished to see this video, I saw my house and almost all the lights were on! And this light were not being used!!.

All the government spoke about a lot of things, like the delinquency, the economic, of the education, but the environment issues are very few times when they are touched, only they are touched when the pollution indices are very highs or when one green organizations does some noise.

I think that we have to do something for the world where we live; I want that my kids see all the beautiful things of this world, the forest, jungle, etc. I want my children to know the tigers, just there are only between 3000 to 4000 tigers in the wild state!!!

Some people do something for change our behavior, they do a lot of things, and sometimes it is a style of life. But, it is not necessary change all your life style, just if you turn off the lights that are not being used, recycle all the things that you can, don`t through the papers in the floor!

One of the action most important that we can do all for maintain a clean environment is the recycling. There are a lot of things that we can recycle. There are containers in the supermarket for recycling, you just need the desire and motivation to make this world a better place.

When I listen the speech of ECO, I started to recycle, with my mom separate the plastic of the carton and the glass, and then my mom put this material in the containers of the supermarket. It is impressive, is a lot of material that could become litter! This is a little contribution to improving the environment, but if you don`t start with something, how can you argue against the destructions of our world.

I like this world, and I don`t want that all his beauty will be destroyed, or ill continued...