Thursday, October 14, 2010

“thanks for to believe that we are a live”…said one of the miners when he come out of the capsule Fenix.
Then 33 weeks, the same age that Jesus the 33 miners has been rescued. This history is very amanzing for a lot of things, the paid atention of all the world was very impressive, in all the countries of the world it was being broadcast in a live the moment of the rescued, the faith of the family`s miners about that all it was be ok, the organization, the feith, the comradeship the miners, and their calmness in all the procesess it was admirabl, they are a special group. There was a lot of different personalities, one of theirs was Mario Sepulveda, he is very extrovert and with a lot of energy, it was very emotional his rescued.
Inclusive the all miners won a premium`s guinness for they will be the mens that most time were uderground.
In all the process of the rescued there a lot of press, follow this big and incredible history. In the momento of the rescued there was almost 500 TV show and nearly of 2000 reporters transmitting all that was happenning. Inclusive my sister that she is in Sydney saw all the rescued. However, I think that it was a sort of reallity show, I hope that the TV shows don´t invade their privacy, and this history don´t will be a comercial`history.
Like almost of history that cause an impact, this history have too one misterious with the number 33, well first the miners are 33, the day that was taken the first contact with the miners it was the 33 week of the year, the age that Jesus died was 33, the day that they achieved to the miners was the 22 -08-2010 and if you sums of all the numbers the result is 33, it was 33 days of drilling with the T-130 machine for arrive to the miners, and the day that get out to the first miners was the 13-10-10, and if you sums all of the numbers gives 33. Well all of things can be just a coincidence, but is it not too much coincidece?.

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